



献给 孙煦(未婚妻)















(未婚夫)王庆丰 献上


Trip to London

It is Easter Holiday. I have a month off, for Xu she has a week off. We went to London on 16th April. After arrived in London, we sperated at train station for Xu has to give a presentation at Philips research centre in UK at that day. She first went to Redhill where Philips research centre is located. I myself walked through the centre of London starting from St Pancras Station to Victoria Station via Oxford road. That took me more than 2 hours walking. That was bit exhausted experience, however, I enjoyed sightseeing while walking.

我们的行程从4月16开始,那天一大早我们和刘清庭夫妇一起到房屋中介提交了申请材料,然后急急忙忙赶上去伦敦的火车。到伦敦的时候是中午了。天气异常的好,感谢主。煦和我在 St. Pancras 火车站分开因为她要先去飞利浦的缘故。我接下来的是等待我要步行2小时的路程,起于 St. Pancras 火车站到唯独利亚火车站。步行的好处不光在于省钱,更重要的是对伦敦有个比较全面地了解,融入到当地人节拍中,何况路边的风景我也没有漏过。

Xu backed to London (Victoria station) from Redhill around 4pm. We first decided to put our luggage in Colliner Hotel which we booked in advance as our hotel is only 10 minutes walking from Victoria. Then, to visit Queen's Royal Galary and Buckingham palace , they both are within walking distance from Victoria station.


*********************Queen's Gallery (女王画廊) *************

Visit probably is not right word to use here, as for both The Queen's Gallery and Buckingham palace we did not get into or we were not willing to pay for the ticket which are quite expensive for us. But, we did took some nice pictures. Here are pictures for The Queen's Gallery . Where Xu and I standing is the entrance of Queen's Gallery. The Queen's Gallery at Buckingham Palace is a permanent space dedicated to changing exhibitions of items from the Royal Collection, the wide-ranging collection of art and treasures held in trust by The Queen for the Nation. Constructed forty years ago on the west front of Buckingham Palace out of the bomb-damaged ruins of the former private chapel, the Gallery has recently been redeveloped. It was reopened by The Queen on 21 May 2002 and is now open to the public on a daily basis.

Pictures for Burckingham Palace: (白金汉宫)
Buckingham Palace has served as the official London residence of Britain's sovereigns since 1837. It evolved from a town house that was owned from the beginning of the eighteenth century by the Dukes of Buckingham. Today it is The Queen's official residence, with 775 rooms.
Although in use for the many official events and receptions held by The Queen, areas of Buckingham Palace are opened to visitors on a regular basis.
The State Rooms of the Palace are open to visitors during the Annual Summer Opening in August and September. They are lavishly furnished with some of the greatest treasures from the Royal Collection - paintings by Rembrandt, Rubens, Vermeer, Poussin, Canaletto and Claude; sculpture by Canova and Chantrey; exquisite examples of Sèvres porcelain; and some of the finest English and French furniture in the world。

Next famous site is London Eye: (伦顿眼)


House of Parliament:(国会和大笨钟)

大笨钟(Big Ben) 以它巨大的钟面闻名,大钟于1859年建成,是英国最大的钟.塔起码有320英尺高(约合97.5米),分针有14英尺长(约合4.27米),大笨钟用人工发条,国会开会期间,钟面会发出光芒,每隔一小时报时一次。

British museum: (大英博物馆)

大英博物馆(British Museum)又称不列顛博物馆,是一位于英国伦敦的综合博物馆,也是世界上规模最大、最著名的博物館之一,成立於1753年。目前博物館擁有藏品1300多万件。由与空间的限制,目前还有大批藏品未能公开展出。博物館在1759年1月15日起正式对公众开放。



罗马,希腊馆 瓷器 造币机 很漂亮的珠宝 走啰

Tower of London & London Bridge

Downing Street (首相府)

National Gallery

英国国家画廊是当今世界上拥有西欧绘画作品最多、最全面、最具代表性的画廊之一。它创立于1824年,经过不断地扩建,已拥有4个展览馆和60余个展室,收藏了1260年至1920年间西欧各画派的作品,包括从马加利多到毕加索的不朽名作。可惜不让给名画拍照, 不过在网上给找了一些.

Venus and MarsSunflowerThe Fighting TemeraireArnolfini PortraitThe Supper at EmmausSeaport with Embarkation of saint UrsulaThe Rokeby VenusThe Amazement of gods