
Palm Sunday

John Storer House held another Internation tea on Palm Sunday. On Palm Sunday, Jesus entered Jerusalem sitting on a donky, a large crowed followed him and shouted (Matthew 21: 1-11):
" Hosanna to the son of David!"
" Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!" (Psalm 118: 26)
" Hosanna in the highest!"
The invited speaker is Matthew. He talked about Mark 15: 1-15. Jesus was brought before Pilate. A just man was unjustly sentenced to be crucified. Jesus did not speak for himself before Pilate but He is doing His Father's will. What a contrast to the world we are living? Who will not defence for himself is he is unjustly punished. If he does so, he will be called fool. God so loved us, he sent his only son to die in our place, so our sins could be forgiven. GOD is just, He does not allow our sins not to be punished, if He does so, so God is unjust and imperfect. Jesus is the perfect sacrifice by His blood our sins could be washed away, we could be reconciled with God. His death is GOD's perfect love to us.

One day, every knee should bow , every tongue should confess, that Jesus is our Lord!
